Wednesday, October 05, 2016

Love Is Love Is Adorable


A photo posted by Samira Wiley (@whododatlikedat) on

Sometimes you need a little pick-me-up to remind you that the world isn’t all just head-shaking white men trying to gaslight you into believing the horrible things you know were said weren’t actually said. I remain convinced that Mike Pence shaking his head at you with that smarmy grin forever is one of the rooms in Hell. As a palate cleaners to the obvious lies (and the fact that a politician whose career has been literally built on barring women from making their own reproductive health decisions and banning LGBT people from even being able to buy a slice of pizza never got asked about either at his only debate), here is a reminder that love is real. “Orange is the New Black” actress Samira Wiley and writer Lauren Morelli are engaged. Say it with me, “Awwwww.”


  1. Carmen SanDiego4:08 PM

    They are so adorable but I am still not over Poussey

  2. Anonymous8:00 PM

    why is it that both malindo lo and dara nai's twitter accounts are under protection? are the asians in america under attacks now? i just hope that you would be the next. fingers cross.
