Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Both Sides Not Now

I am going to have a fucking aneurysm before this goddamn endless election is over. The media treatment of these two candidates is the very definition of false equivalency. Look, any LGBT person knows "both sides" reporting is bullshit. One side says we're humans, the other says we're monsters destroying the universe. So then to treat both those opinions equally is preposterous. Truth is the ultimate balance, not "both sides." Same, of course, goes for this election. One side is a normal politician with flaws. The other side is DONALD FUCKING TRUMP. Like, I realize this is unprecedented, political reporters. But sometimes you have to call a woefully unqualified, terrifyingly reckless bellicose orange fart what it actually is. Anyway, thank God for Samantha Bee who gets to yell the things I can only yell at my screen out of a screen.


  1. I'm so glad she is back!!!!

  2. Carmen SanDiego9:45 PM

    Sam Bee is so good, how did we survive without her

  3. So glad she is back , really missed her after The Daily Show. Just wish Jon Stewart was doing the show for this election :)

  4. You and I share the same sentiments about this election. DONALD FUCKING TRUMP. Oy. Please let it be over. Please.
