Friday, August 26, 2016

My Weekend Crush

A beautiful cover story featuring Gina Rodriguez for Latina magazine is wonderful enough. But then it’s a beautiful cover story featuring Gina Rodriguez for Latina magazine featuring her new, super hot undercut. And then you find out it’s a beautiful cover story featuring Gina Rodriguez for Latina magazine featuring her new, super hot undercut and talking about her role as a lesbian character in a new sci-fi film. Holy Christmas morning, Batgirl!

While I am still shamefully behind on “Jane the Virgin,” I am unfailingly loyal fan of Gina’s. And her Latina feature only reinforced my fangirl feelings for her. Also, did you see the part where I said Gina Rodriguez is playing a lesbian character in a movie? It’s for the upcoming sci-fi film “Annihilation” which will also star Natalie Portman, Oscar Isaac and Jennifer Jason Leigh. Gina said this about the film to Latina:

“It’s about five women who are going into the Shimmer, an entity that’s starting to destroy the world. So we’re trying to stop it. We have guns, we’re doing some badass stunts and it’s a brilliant storyline. I play Anya Thorensen, a paramedic from Chicago who happens to be a lesbian and an ex-addict going into the Shimmer to be the hero that she’s kinda always wanted to be.”
Also, also – she shaved her head for the role.

Yep, sometimes life is just an embarrassment of lesbian riches. Not often, but sometimes. Happy weekend, all.

p.s. Here is her behind-the-scenes video from the shoot. See the undercut in motion.


  1. Carmen SanDiego2:48 AM

    That is one hot undercut. Maybe I should go back to watching Jane the Virgin

  2. Great choice! Gina is gorgeous not only in appearance but she seems to be so smart, funny and kind. Didn't think it could get much better until that haircut. Thanks for sharing!
