Wednesday, May 04, 2016

United States of Nope

America, here we go. Yesterday Indiana – oh dear, my poor Indiana – essentially clinched the Republican nomination for Donald Fucking Trump. Which means the only person left to stop Donald Fucking Trump from becoming the President of the United States is a Democrat. And that Democrat, based on math and 3 million more votes, is going to be Hillary Clinton. The numbers are pretty much insurmountable – even if you give the super-delegates to Bernie for all the states he has won he doesn’t have enough. And on top of that he would have to win some 65 percent of the remaining pledged delegates to overtake Hillary. In Indiana he earned only six more delegates than Hillary. Math and such.

Look, even if Bernie Sanders decides to fight on, which is totally his right, one thing is crystal clear. We’re reached the point of no return for the Democratic candidates in terms of the general election. We know who we will be up against. Ted Cruz dropped out. Kasich is a ball of lint running for office also out. So that leaves Donald Fucking Trump. Regardless of which candidate you support, neither Democratic candidate can afford to attack the other anymore. Period. The Democrats have two good candidates. These are two people who would be infinitely better than Donald Fucking Trump. One of these two good people will face Donald Fucking Trump in November. To weaken either’s ability to do that would be beyond reckless. It would be putting the future of our country in the hands of Donald Fucking Trump. The harm he would do to people of color in this country, to LGBT people in this country, to female people in this country, to any people with even an ounce of reasonableness in this country is immeasurable. We cannot afford that. We cannot risk that.

Both Democratic candidates need to run their campaigns to defeat one man, and one man alone from now on: Donald Fucking Trump. So let’s get busy doing that. Immediately.


  1. Carmen SanDiego6:08 AM

    Having Trump for president would be like living in Westeros and having Joffrey for King

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I want to believe that the people of this country are too smart to elect such a baffoon. But then we know otherwise.

  4. Anonymous8:39 AM

    I have to say I am genuinely terrified of a person like Trump even being able to make it this far without being laughed out of the running and told to go sit in a corner and think about the idiotic things he says. So hahahahahaha, good joke, now seriously Trump please go sit in a corner and think about how to be a better person.

  5. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Bernie supporters need to vote. And they need to vote Democratic. Regardless of whether it's HRC or Bernie as the candidate. Otherwise, in an effort to eliminate the status quo, they will return us to 1950. This president will seat one (and probably more) SCOTUS justices for LIFE. A GOP court would vote FOR big business, and against women, minorities, and the poor. This election goes way beyond the personality of the President - which is only a four year term, anyway, unless reelected. It has a LIFETIME of implications. PLEASE VOTE!!!

  6. My mother, whom has never voted in her entire 62 years of life, is going to vote for the first time this year. She's NOT voting Trump. I asked her a favor for me and asked her to vote. I said I don't care if you vote for Hillary or Bernie. Just don't vote Trump. And she is.

  7. Trump is a buffoon who will be creamed by either Dem in November. Not remotely equipped for a substantive debate against HRC. I'm OK with Trump as the GOP nominee because he's a lot less scary, as a loser or winner, than Cruz. A lot.

  8. As terrifying as Trump is, Cruz was potentially worse as he had a commercial running that literally said "Donald Trump supports grown men going to the same restroom as little girls.". It was blood boiling.
