Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Otterly Adorable

Lesbian moms. Cute otters. And a forgetful fish voiced by the most famous gay lady in the universe. Yes, “Finding Dory” truly had everything I love packed into one movie. (Fine, fine – would it kill them to find cameos for Tina Fey and a Corgi puppy in there as well?)

Here are the possibly/probably gay moms (at 1:05 in above trailer):

Here is the trailer with the cute otters (at 0:20 in below trailer):

Look, I know this is a “kids” movie and all, but as I’ve happily admitted before “Finding Nemo” truly is my happy place. And if 13 years after the original the sequel comes out to include not only more Ellen, possibly/probably gay moms and so many cute otters, I say there’s not enough butter* in the world for all the popcorn I’m going to eat when I go see this movie over and over and over again.

* Don’t worry, all that butter will pair perfectly with the Male Tears I’ll be enjoying while at my other favorite movie of the summer.


  1. Carmen SanDiego9:06 PM

    I haven't been this excited about a Pixar movie since Brave. *sigh* oh what could have been

  2. Have you seen Zootopia? It's pretty fab too!
