Friday, May 06, 2016

My Weekend Crush

Two things. 1) These image should be pertinent to your lesbian interests. And 2) How the fuck did Jodie Foster not have a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame until now? On Wednesday Kristen Stewart feted her fake movie mom Jodie Foster at the latter’s long-time-coming Walk of Fame ceremony. It was by all accounts very nice and the two seem to genuinely care for and respect one another. For gay ladies, the event was a cross-generational smorgasbord of delights. Though, can I confess something to you? I’ve never seen “Panic Room.” And now I feel weird about going back to watch it because K-Stew is like 10 in it. Whatever, please enjoy these images of two of the super famous gay ladies enjoying each other’s company. Happy weekend, all.

p.s. Here is the video of them being genuinely lovely to each other. To avoid boring men talking, fast forward to 5:40 for K-Stew and 8:05 for J-Fo. You’re welcome.


  1. Anonymous2:34 PM

    I think JF declined a star on the Walk of Fame for acting, instead holding out for one for her directing.

  2. This was a great little moment, both of them are adorable.
    I was watching the live feed on Wednesday and was surprised to
    see both Jodie's wife and ex-partner at the ceremony, both smiling and seemingly happy for Jodie. I think that speaks to Jodie's character.

  3. Carmen SanDiego10:44 PM

    I have such a crush on both of them

  4. Truly delightfull pictures to start the weekend with. Don't think there will come a time that I do not have a crush on Jodie :)

  5. ;) babs12:24 AM

    I remember watching Panic Room for Jodie Foster, but I was quickly interested in the baby butch by her side...

    am I the only one who thinks they have kind of the same voice?
