Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Top of the 2015 to You

Oh, hey. Sorry, the holidays and such. I have family visiting and, well, craziness ensues. But, I was able to get my last Women & Hollywood column for the year. I have picked out the Top 10 Most Memorable TV/Film Moments for Queer Women. Yes, I know, I have probably left your favorite off the list or forgotten something terribly important. I pre-apologize. But please, in the spirit of the season and all of that, enjoy. Or silently seethe at my omission. Whatever makes you feel merry and bright. You can read it here.

1 comment:

  1. Carmen SanDiego8:53 PM

    Unpopular opinion about Stonewall: Hollywood will look at that flop and say "well, movies about gay people are a flop." And stop making them.
    Hoping that Carol turns that around.
