Friday, November 27, 2015

My Weekend Crush

By now many of you have probably already seen this. This video of Adele with the Adeles has been making the rounds for a week now. But I swear I’ve watched it half a dozen times because there is something intrinsically lovely about the whole thing. Same goes for Adele herself, of course. It’s such a delight to have her back, making new music and behind her delightfully cheeky and charming self. Also, if you haven’t already, do watch her sing “Hello” with toy instruments on Jimmy Fallon. Happy weekend, all.


  1. Carmen SanDiego12:52 AM

    Talented and with a great sense of humor. That woman is flawless

  2. Anonymous1:13 PM

    WOW, this was great.....

  3. whey austin9:17 PM

    THanks a lot this is soo awesome. Our writers at really like it too.
