Friday, October 23, 2015

My Weekend Crush

So the first full “Jessica Jones” trailer is finally out and *low whistle* it looks intense. Descriptors like “dark” and “gritty” and “terrifying” are usually only deployed when talking about show’s starring men doing men things. Or superheroes doing men things (think Batman or Daredevil). But now, Netflix is offering us a woman at the center of all those adjectives. Needless to say, I’m in. I was in when I first heard about the concept. I was really in when I heard it would feature Carrie-Anne Moss playing a lesbian characters. And now that I’ve seen this dark, gritty, terrifying vision I’m ready. November 20, let’s Netflix and send chills down our spines. Happy weekend, all.

p.s. Only small complaint? The trailer needs more Carrie-Anne Moss and her haircut, duh.


  1. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Good heavens I love that woman! Trinity FTW<3

  2. Carmen SanDiego11:18 PM

    I'm am so there
    Marking November 20th on my calendar

  3. Carrie-Anne Moss as Jeri Hogarth is one of those "I love this woman but I hate this character" moments, just like Kate Winslet in 'Divergent.'
