Sunday, October 18, 2015

My Weekend Crush

So, I was out of town this weekend for a wedding (or, as I like to call it, a fancy dress party with free wine and bad music) and missed Amy Schumer’s HBO special Saturday night. But, as soon as I could, I watched it and now cannot recommend it highly enough. What makes Amy isn’t that she is just a “sex comic,” as she is too frequently labeled. It’s that she is a woman who speak frankly and doesn’t give a fuck whether the men in the room like it. No, she doesn’t hate men (that’s just for us lesbians, duh). She just isn’t interested into buying into the stereotypically prescribed male fantasies of what women should be. And that, that frees a person up to just be themselves. And what Amy is a hilarious truth teller. So pour yourself a big bottle of wine and enjoy. Happy (what is left of the) weekend, all.

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