Monday, October 05, 2015

Four More Years

Look, I like Bernie just fine. Not the best gun control record, yet still a true progressive on just about everything else. But I really, really love Hillary. Sure she has her flaws and they have been well documented, yet I very much want her to be my next president. I could go into an extremely long list of why, but the absolute shallowest reason for this is I really do think it would be amazing to have four more years of Kate McKinnon impressions. And that is still a better reason to vote for someone than any of the reasons people are voting for Trump.


  1. I 100% agree - but my dream ticket would be Clinton/Sanders. I really really like him quite a bit, and think they'd balance each other out really well.

  2. Carmen SanDiego6:39 AM

    Clinton/Snarker 2016!

  3. I was surprised that Hillary was on SNL. She showed up well playing against Kate. I want 4 more years of Democrats, so Hillary is my choice by far. And Kate McKinnon is my choice too, her picture is on my bedroom wall.

  4. Anonymous5:39 PM

    My favorite part was when Kate McKinnon looked the real Hilary right in the eye and said she could have supported gay marriage sooner.
