Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Brokeback to the Future

So in honor of Back to the Future Day (where’s my hoverboard, dammit?), here is a little ode to the “Back to the Future” trilogy in the gayest way possible – naturally. Did I ever mention I had a massive, all-consuming crush on Michael J. Fox while growing up? In my defense, if you squint your eyes and tilt your head he looks exactly like a extremely cute butch girl. So, you know, there’s my root.


  1. Thank you so much for this , absolutely made my day. Agree with you on Michael ,but my crush was his mum:)

  2. Carmen SanDiego9:11 PM

    This is brilliant

  3. File this under the many things that we have in common. I had a picture of him at my wall and he came to town on a bus advocating for some bill or something and I made my mom take me to town so I could watch him get out of a bus. : )Did you also have a crush on Gary Coleman by any chance, because that was my pre-MJF crush.
