Monday, August 24, 2015

Political Page

Well, now. In case you haven’t already seen this clip, everyone’s favorite tiny Canadian, Ellen Page, confronted Republic presidential hopeful/professional hatemonger Ted Cruz on his support of continued LGBT discrimination. Cruz, of course, changed the subject to “liberal intolerance” and that old religious liberty canard. When Ellen astutely noted that people used the same tired excuse when defending segregation, he had nothing. Instead he did some prime-grade mansplaining to shut her down by saying, “Now I’m happy to answer your question, but not to have a back-and-forth debate.” You can practically hear the implied “little lady” after he said that.

The thing about this whole “religious freedom” defense is there is a very, very big difference when a not-for-profit church asserts its rights and when a for-profit business tries to say who it will and won’t serve based on personal beliefs. Big surprise, in Cruz’s example of the religious group he said was discriminated against and fined $5,000 for not accepting a same-sex wedding was in fact a for-profit business, not a church as he described it. Businesses have to follow the law. Businesses are not religions.

The political blossoming of Ellen Page as an LGBT activist and champion has been one of the most enjoyable things I’ve witnessed in the last few years. And it’s also an important reminder that coming out has wider implications, often including the desire to fight that much harder for our full and total equal rights.

Look, I know she is Canadian, but Ellen Page for President.

p.s. Here is another view in case the ABC video does not work for you.


  1. Ted Cruz is so full of shit

  2. Anonymous2:17 AM

    Get stuck, bring up ISIS and Iran. *face/palm*

  3. Our warrior , so proud of her. Thank you DS for the video.

  4. Ellen Page makes us proud. Kristen Stewart and Queen Latifia should take note. You can help change the world by being a OUT and PROUD gay lady ... and still be successful in the Hollywood buisness.

  5. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Yup, we respect diversity ..... as long as it is heterosexual. What an asshat.

  6. Anonymous6:29 PM

    Cruz is so misstating why public access laws don't allow people to discriminate based on characteristics. In Cruz's perfect world, we'd be even closer to separate and unequal than we are now.

    Liar, liar, pantalones el fuego, Rafael.

  7. Carmen SanDiego7:41 AM

    Ugh I hate Ted Cruz
