Monday, August 17, 2015

Hot for the Summer

I won’t lie, I kind of love this song. In fact, it’s my hand-down song of the summer. (But, then, my options were somewhat limited – it was this or the song where the guys yells, “Stank! Stank! Stank!” over and over again or the song where the other guy who couldn’t feel his face.) Now, granted, catchy pop confections are an admitted guilty pleasure of mine. Like, if “Toxic” comes on shuffle I will absolutely stop what I’m doing and do a little dance. It’s Britney, bitch.

But I like Demi Lovato’s “Cool for the Summer” for more than its bombastic groove and undeniable hook. I believe the kids today would call it a banger. But it’s also finally a song about sexual fluidity that doesn’t make me want to gauge my eyes out with cherry chapstick. Sure there are some surface similarities to “I Kissed a Girl” (the Katy Perry fauxmosexual extravaganza, not Jill Sobule’s superior predecessor). But unlike that song it seems to be less about flashy exhibitionism and more in the spirit of genuine sexual exploration. Some may say that is a thin line, but I would argue it is a critical one. But, well, my feelings about Ms. Perry have already been well documented in the past.

One of the things like most about “Cool for the Summer” is that it remains totally pronoun free. So then it works for whatever situation you want it to. Be it a girl or a boy or whoever makes you happy. Also, have I mentioned that it’s just damn catchy? And, you know, pretty hot.

p.s. And, in case you forgot, this is the first, best and - in my mind - only “I Kissed a Girl” worth listening to.


  1. Carmen SanDiego6:59 AM

    "Toxic" is such a pop jam
    Agreed on the song of the summer choice, also its not like this year had a runaway hit like call me maybe or something like that

  2. well...lets remember Demi is a girl Ruby Rose has slept with :))
    So why cool for the summer :)

  3. Anonymous10:37 PM

    Isn't that Jennifer Lawrence in the back seat?

  4. Haha! I forgot that Fabio was in that video!

  5. I am so here for sexy punk-rock feminist Latinas making queer-girl music, whether Demi is one of us or instead straight-but-not-narrow. Of course, if Demi wants to join Team Queer Girls, we'll be happy to have her...
