Monday, July 06, 2015

Believe It, Baby

AMERICA! WOMEN! SPORTS! LESBIANS! WHOOOOO! Hot damn, that was something else. Like, really, something else. I won’t go into an extensive recap because if you cared you were watching. And if you don’t care, well, what is wrong with you? But, holy crap, that was pretty amazing. All I’ll say is I am very proud of this team and these athletes and women’s sports in general. Also, for gay ladies. But, you know, that goes without saying. And now, I’ll just let these glorious pictures of the United States Women’s National Team celebrating their World Cup win do all the talking. Well done, world. Congratulations, USA. Let’s do this all again in four years, eh?

p.s. Abby running over to kiss her wife Sarah in the stands after the game is now officially recognized in all 50 states.

p.p.s. The Eagle Fan, excuse me, SHEAGLE, was clearly the team’s secret weapon. Naturally, she plays for the LA Derby Dolls.


  1. What a match! Lloyd's midfield shot and goal was a thing of beauty.

  2. Carmen SanDiego6:47 AM

    OMG The Eagle has been identified? We spent the whole game talking about her
    And Abby kissing her wife was the cherry on top of the sundae
    Congrats Team USA

  3. cathey8:31 AM

    Have you seen the Krieger / Ashlyn Harris shipping on the interwebs? very rizzoli and isles those two.
