Friday, June 26, 2015

My Weekend Pride

Today could be the day. Monday could be the day. We never fucking know with SCOTUS. But what we do know is that it’s Pride Month and that means regardless of what nine people in black robes say, we should feel empowered to celebrate ourselves. I’ve been going to pride for more than a decade now. And each time I go, despite the crush of humanity and desperate hunt for restrooms, I leave feeling glad I went. Because there is strength and joy in numbers. The modern gay rights movement started as a riot against police brutality. So our pride at being out together en masse is about so much more than wearing rainbow-themed tchotchkes and seeing go-go dancers on floats. It’s about celebrating every single stride we have made and reaffirming our resolve to continue to our struggle toward full equality. So here are a few gifs to help you shout it loud and proud this weekend. Happy Pride and happy weekend, all.

p.s. Also, please enjoy this lovely Equality video from our gal Hillary.

p.p.s. We won! We won! We won! We won! We won! We won! We won!


  1. Selket12:39 PM

    Congrats from Uruguay to the U.S.A.!!! Finally!!
    I know there is still tons of work to be done, but this is great!
    Hope more countries will join soon.

    Happy Pride you all!!

  2. Happy Pride, Ms. Snarker. I am *really* looking forward to your next post.

  3. Carmen SanDiego12:41 PM

    I am so fucking happy we won!
    Like unknown, I cannot wait for your next post
    Oh, and Happy Pride weekend DS

  4. This is awesome!!! So happy for all Americans! Selket, yo tambien soy de Uruguay, nunca pensé encontrar a una compatriota por estos lados ;)
