Thursday, April 02, 2015

Beals hearts Buffy

File Under: Things that make you go squeeeee! Hollywood producer and director David Solomon’s tweet over the weekend made the Buffy fan and Bette fan in me do backflips. It’s like a crackship I never knew I wanted. But now that I know that Jennifer Beals is a huge “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” fan (and Buffy/Angel shipper to boot) I’ve totally rearranged my fangirl fantasies to involve inviting Jennifer over to marathon Buffy together. Hey, you have your fantasies and I have mine. They can’t all be dirty.

p.s. It was also announced today that Jennifer's new series "Proof" will premiere at 10 p.m. June 16 after "Rizzoli & Isles." There is a TV god and she likes us quite a bit. 


  1. Carmen SanDiego7:11 AM

    Maybe Bette can have Willow and Tara over to cast a spell that allows "Provocations" to be set up without the need of a carpenter...

  2. I loved Jennifer Beals as Bette in "The L Word". Just last night I finished a binge-watching marathon watching all six seasons of "The L Word" in seven days on NetFlix - for the second time. I'd loved her in Flash Dance" too but had no idea what she's like in real life. Knowing she's a big Buffy/Angel shipper makes me want to re-visit "Buffy the Vampire Slayer". That's a great fangirl fantasy you have involving Jennifer.

  3. Jennifer admitted to her love for BtVS when doing The L Word. She also admitted to a crush on Spike. She later got to play in at least one episode of "Lie to Me" with James Marsters playing a lawyer who had been her teacher.
