Thursday, February 12, 2015

Welcome Aunt Flo

Ladies! We’re about to laugh about our periods. A lot. Please allow everyone’s favorite side-mulleted lesbian comedian Cameron Esposito to give that time of the month the honest descriptive explanation it truly deserves. Considering more than half of the population has a period once every damn month, it’s crazy that it is still one of those things people just don’t talk about. Ew, you know? But fuck that. It happens. It’s not embarrassing. It’s life. So suck it up and show some fucking respect. Let it bleed.

[H/T to Buzzfeed for the video find.]


  1. Aretha Jones4:50 AM

    This is not funny.

  2. Anonymous6:38 AM

    (Above) She said, making an emphatic statement about her opinion.

  3. Patricia4:23 PM

    Brought back vivid memories of those days, gone now (thankfully) due to surgery to catch cancer. Never thought of cramps as my body wringing itself, but that's accurate. One thing I have never missed.

  4. Carmen SanDiego8:04 PM

    My body is coming out of my body!

  5. No Idea the hell we are living
