Friday, February 06, 2015

My Weekend Crush

Girl, I am still not over hearing that ding-dee-dee-ding-da-ding intro out of nowhere in the middle of the Super Bowl Halftime show. Missy “Misdemeanor” Elliott, people. MISSY, PEOPLE. Lordt, have mercy. Sometimes you don’t realize how much you miss someone until she’s back, killing it, right in front of you. Missy has always been one of my most favorite female rappers. You just can’t deny those beats. And I’m an Asian girl from the Midwest But you have to; it’s Missy. So I couldn’t be more pleased with the renewed respect and opportunity to trip down memory lane her appearance offered us all.

What was ahead of its time for its time and continues to be today was her uninhibited lyrics. Her insistence on her worth, other women’s worth, her skills, other women’s skills. Also, “We Run This” was the theme song for “Stick It.” Mention that movie to any lesbian and all you’re all you’ll hear is her happily sigh “abbbbbbs” to herself and then wander off with a dreamy smile on her face. Yeah, Missy runs this. Plus, imagine if Katy Perry tried to pulled off a black garbage bag as a fashion statement. Please. Yeah, only Missy. Happy Weekend, all.


  1. Carmen SanDiego7:26 AM

    And now I will be singing this all day...
    Have a great weekend, Snarker

  2. Anonymous12:21 PM

    The best weekend crush in a long time. I love her so. Screamed over and over...Missssyyy!! By far the best part of the Superbowl. Welcome back to us Missy.

  3. Anonymous5:12 PM

    I remember when I first heard Missy, I was a tiny nerdy Catholic school girl and I was like, "WHAT IS THIS MUSIC, GIVE ME MORE!!!" So good to see her during half time:)
