Friday, December 26, 2014

Vacation Vixen: Gillian Anderson

Sweet merciful Zeus, wasn’t “The Fall” amazing this season? I still have not recovered. But, dammit, am I going to have to start watching “Hannibal” now to get my weekly Gillian fix?

p.s. You can read my recap of the finale over at AfterEllen.

p.p.s. Oh, as you may have noticed, I will be on vacation for the next two weeks. But, fear not, I have left fresh, fantastic Vacation Vixens for you to enjoy in my absence. Seriously, they are lovely.


  1. Anonymous3:41 AM

    Maria isn't she gorgeous. Just as you're recap. Happy holiday!

  2. Carmen SanDiego8:13 AM

    Have a great vacation!

  3. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Here she is, commenting on how she's turning Britain lezzie...

    Charming as eva !

  4. Hello Gillian, I am thinking that why you do not get old. The time is passing, but your age is not. And day by day you are becoming beautiful. Thanks a lot for beautiful picture. Have a nice vaccation.)

