Wednesday, November 26, 2014

A Rose is a Regan

Sometimes, as I’ve said many (many, many, many, may) times before, I can be slow. Sometimes, it takes five episodes before I realize the hot red-head in “Jane the Virgin” is the hot brunette from “Legend of the Seeker.” Now, in my defense, I never actually watched “Legend of the Seeker.” But, as a lesbian lady on the Internet, I have seen a gazillion fanvids and femslash gifs of the show for Bridget’s Kahlan and Tabrett Bethell’s Cara. So I feel like I know the really important bits already. (i.e. Hot ladies. Leather. Hair flipping. Swords. Gender-nonspecific kissing. Slow-mo everything. Etc.)

Still, I was slower than slow to realize that this person…

…is also this person:

This person…

…is also this person.


…is this.

And so…


I also just realized she was Rebecca in “White Collar.” What? Jesus, I would make a terrible eye witness. Change your hair color and I’m totally bamboozled.

Oh, and “Jane the Virgin” needs to get back to Luisa and Rose’s relationship STAT.


  1. Carmen San Diego6:25 AM

    Started watching Jane the Virgin as per your reccomendation. It's pretty good as much as it pains me to say this and as much as I want to see it the lesbian relationship doesn't really add much to the show.

  2. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Of course I knew that. The only reason I initially gave Jane the Virgin a chance is because I knew Bridget Regan was going to be on it. Loved her as Kahlan on Legend of the Seeker

  3. Anonymous12:08 PM

    I also didn't know and have watched it and legend of the seeker. The lesbian storyline is not a necessary part of the show.
