Monday, September 01, 2014

Vacation Vixen: Jennifer Lawrence

To the fucknut who hacked Jennifer Lawrence (and other famous women’s) phone and stole TOTALLY PERSONAL, TOTALLY PRIVATE photos and then posted them all over the Internet: Fuck you, you worthless excuse for a fucking human being. We live in such a fucked up world sometimes. If you wouldn’t go to Jennifer Lawrence’s house and peep in her window to see her in a TOTALLY PERSONAL, TOTALLY PRIVATE setting, then you shouldn’t be looking at these stolen photos online either. I happened upon some accidentally after landing from a long flight yesterday and felt so fucking gross. I’m mad that I saw what little I saw. And fuck this shit about “they shouldn’t have taken naked pictures in the first place…” All women, yes - even famous women, are allowed to do whatever they want with their bodies consensually. What is not allowed is for someone else to do whatever they want with said bodies nonconsensually. What is wrong with people? Anyway. Sorry, didn’t mean to start off my vacation with so much swearing. But, a little righteous anger is a good way to clear out the cobwebs. Keep your head up, Jennifer. You (and the other women whose photos were flat-out stolen) did nothing wrong. I join you in one-fingered solidarity against that fucknut hacker thief who did everything wrong. Fuck you, dude. Seriously. FUCK YOU.

EDIT: I would like to reiterate that NO MATTER how good she looks and NO MATTER how dumb/smart you may/may not think it is to take naked pictures on your phone, stealing someone’s TOTALLY PERSONAL, TOTALLY PRIVATE images is a FUCKING CRIME. This is not about prudishness. This is not about her actions. This is about a CRIMINAL who violated another human being’s basic rights. Period.


  1. Anonymous3:22 AM

    Nobody cares about some nude pics except some internet weidos. This is a mere symptom of a much larger problem.

    Some people have their heads so high up in the clouds that they are so completely removed from the news that affect the rest of us "normal" folks. After a year of NSA scandals, where we learned amongst other things that the spies trade porn from private accounts for fun, some people still think it's a good idea to upload private information to other company's servers. Whether the hackers took them from Apple, as some rumors say, or other vendors is completely irrelevant, the problem is the same: Give out private data to someone else, and you lose control over it. The NSA, the FBI regularly scan accounts from all major companies, and that's just the ones we know about. What - did you think they scan everyone in the world except celebrities?

    Guess what: That's exactly what it means to allow third parties access to your data. It means literally "let your data be accessed by other people". If anything, I'm surprised that didn't happen much sooner.

    Unfortunately, as always, people will draw the wrong conclusions from this event: Maybe the person who leaked the pictures will be punished. But not those who allowed him to access it to begin with. Not those who hand out all your data to other people instead of protecting it as they're supposed to. Not those who get billions of dollars to reduce the security of the internet, to hoard problems instead of fixing them. Nope. Blaming the hackers is so much easier. God beware someone has to admit that the NSA sabotageing the internet for years would have negative consequences, no sir, not going to happen, not on our watch.

  2. Agree Ms Snarker , that person is such a fuckwit.

  3. Carmen SanDiego7:08 AM

    Why wont hackers use their powers for good? Sigh

  4. Anonymous1:21 PM

    Now piss in the wind and see if that helps....

  5. Anonymous8:41 AM

    Or, we could all get over our prudish selves, and just accept that the human body is beautiful and nothing to be ashamed about. Then these photos and others like them would not big such a big deal.

  6. tlsintx11:52 AM

