Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Throw Like Mo'ne

Throw like a girl. Play like a girl. Punch like a girl. All that gendered bullshit we’ve heard all our lives. The horrible insult of it all to be associated with girlness. It’s a wonder any of us make it our of childhood to become fully functioning human beings what with our inherent terribleness.

Yes, pity us – the girls of the world. Oh, wait, did I say pity? I meant respect us. Appreciate us. And if you’re a batter staring down the barrel of Mo’ne Davis’ 70-mph fastball, fear us. The 13-year-old became the first girl to throw a shutout in the Little League World Series. Her accomplishment also landed her the cover of Sports Illustrated magazine, thus becoming the first Little Leaguer ever to receive the honor.

Mo’ne is also the 17th girl to play in the Little League World Series in 68 years. The sixth to record a hit and the fourth to post an RBI. Well, they can’t all be firsts – and that’s a good thing.

The best thing about her success is her very cool, very refreshing attitude about herself. When asked to describe her pitching she said:

“I throw my curveball like Clayton Kershaw and my fastball like Mo’ne Davis.”
Damn right, you do. Someone put “Throw Like Mo’ne” on a T-shirt, immediately.

Mo’ne and her Philly Taney Dragons play against Las Vegas on ESPN tonight. Start your throw like Mo’ne chants now.


  1. Carmen SanDiego6:51 AM

    I am not a fan of baseball but I will root for Mo'ne

  2. I really like your attitude about girls and I appreciate your writing.
    Thank you for sharing!
    Holiday in India

  3. Great post. I'm a little bit surprised you haven't posted anything about her earlier but still a great post! Also, don't forget about Kayla Roncin from the Toms River Little League All-Stars! They lost in last Friday's Mid-Atlantic Regional semifinal but other than being the second girl involved in Little League Baseball she was noted as being a very good player. Hopefully she and her team will have better luck next year. Also, there's Emma March from the Canada team. They lost to Mexico yesterday so I think they are out of it but, she's a girl that was also noted as being a good player. For now I'm rooting for Mo'ne Davis and the Mid-Atlantic Region team!
