Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Leaving Girl

My heart, my poor, poor little human heart. Yesterday the stunning news came that “Lost Girl” was going to end after its upcoming fifth season. I honestly did not see it coming. I thought it had a good two seasons left in the tank. But I think they were very, very smart to allow Anna Silk herself to announce the bad news to fans. It was a classy move for a show that has always treated its fans with class. And, I admit it, when Anna got a little teary I got a little teary. Hey, I said I was only human.

This show has blazed a trail as one of the very, very, very few to revolve around a singular gay female character. Granted, there probably won’t be another bisexual succubus on television anytime soon. But it mattered that this show was about Bo. And it mattered who Bo loved. And it mattered that they showed that love.

Annd spoke about the show’s impact with Entertainment Weekly as well. This is a cast who, believe me, has always known the impact they have had on fans. And they have never taken us for granted. As she told EW:

“I think the most impactful fan encounter I had was with Zoie. We had a young woman come to us, and she was just shaking and crying and said, ‘It’s because of you guys that I was able to come out, and talk to my parents about it.’ It meant so much to her, and that meant so much to us, because Zoie and I always said from the beginning that we wanted the relationship to be real. It’s not just two chicks making out on TV. That won’t resonate with people. I mean, it will resonate with some people. But it was never that. I remember that young woman, just the way she spoke and the shaking—it took a lot of courage for her to come and tell us that. I get really nice fan letters that say things like, ‘Thanks for making me feel more brave.’ I think growing up everyone has people that they look up to—whether that’s celebrities or characters on TV that make them feel stronger. I think that’s important.”
Yes, yes, it is important. I will very much miss this show. And I sincerely hope I see its talented cast (Anna, Zoie, Ksenia, Rachel, Emmanuelle et al) on my teevee again very soon. But for now, let’s cross our fingers and hope our fine Fae and human friends ride off into a blaze of glory with the glorious ending they deserve. Dammit, did I mention I’m going to miss this show?


  1. It's like my best friend just told me they are dying. I'm so sad. Can't see any show having the same impact on me like Lost Girl did.

    We all knew it would end eventually. I just hope the writers and producers get it right in how they end this show. I don't want the show finale to come and go and me thinking "My God That Finale Sucked" !!!

    People should not start talking about spin offs and movies, because those are just pipe dreams.

    I'm going to go cry again. Bye Lost Girl.

  2. I was so shocked yesterday when I saw the show was ending. I agree with you that it seemed to have 2 seasons left in it easily.
    With this and SwanQueen basically over I am now minus my 2 favs, I really hope it ends well *crosses fingers*

  3. Carmen SanDiego6:44 AM

    I haven't watched it but I'm sorry we will have less representation. Hope it ends in a satisfactory manner for the fans

  4. itsnotadrink12:44 PM

    we're all gonna be lost when it will end... I will miss this show. I will miss Bo so much. And Lauren and Kenzi... You know.
    Anna is a such beautiful person.

  5. chick6666:48 PM

    I did something because of Lost Girl that I never did before in my life: I became involved with a fandom and an advocate of Lost Girl among friends and acquaintances. I remember how I felt the moment I saw Lauren kiss Bo for the first time (episode 108 "Vexed"). The sensuality, the passion allowed to rise to the surface, the hunger of love and flesh -- in all my years of watching television I had never seen that kind of mutual desire and intensity portrayed between two actresses on the small screen. And it was performed with such sincerity and naturalness that it derailed the typical "girl on girl action" snickering from sophomoric audiences. Thank you, Anna Silk. Thank you, Zoie Palmer. For doing justice to the portrayal of two women in love. If only the lesbian foremothers upon whose shoulders we stand had been able to see their sexual orientation so richly embraced.

  6. Anonymous8:49 PM

    It was thanks to you, Ms. Snarker, that I got into Lost Girl in the first. I had first heard about it on AE and was a bit unsure about it. I read your recaps and loved them, and my interest in the show grew. I acquired all the episodes a few years ago and binged on them over a three-day weekend (Season 2 was still airing, with about 7 episodes left when I started watching it). I fell in love with the show.

    I was very lucky to have traveled all the way to Fan Expo Canada last year and meet up with fellow "Faenatics" and Doccubus fans (love to my Valkubus sisters too), and seeing the cast in-person was a very surreal moment for me, and I've met everyone sans Anna, Ksenia, Zoie, and Emmanuelle (sp).

    Thank you for writing such amazing recaps and turning this gal into a fan. In turn, I've gotten a lot of my friends hooked on the show, and I still have more that are discovering it for the first time and are sad to see it end too soon. I felt like it was my civic duty to do so. ;)
