Wednesday, July 02, 2014

Let Them Take a Selfie

I am not a fan of selfies. Granted, I like other people’s selfies. But for myself, eh. Call it the residual effects of Shy Kid Syndrome. But, holy reverse camera, was I happy to see this selfie. Susan Sarandon and Geena Davis really did take the original selfie. Take that, Millennials. Also, Thelma and Louise totally made that jump. Shut up, I want to believe.


  1. Geena Davis said the car bounced and I believe her.

  2. Carmen SanDiego6:20 PM

    Yes they did.

  3. Yep ,totally share your belief. Thanks for putting the pics on your blog. Really made me smile.

  4. Anonymous1:13 PM

    This was not the original selfie. People have been taking pictures of themselves for many decades. Who owned a camera and didn't at some point, especially if it was a Polaroid?

    It's really annoying that the "press" has started the rumor that the Thelma and Louise photo is the FIRST selfie.
