Friday, June 06, 2014

My Weekend Binge Crush

Starting at midnight today, you might as well have hung a big sign across The Internet reading: “DO NOT DISTURB THE LESBIANS: WATCHING ORANGE IS THE NEW BLACK.” Because you know that’s what we’re all doing. We’ve called in sick, taken vacation days, stayed up all night and cancelled all foreseeable plans. The smart ones among us stocked up on provisions yesterday – snacks, drinks, adult diapers – so we could move as little as possible while binge watching the new season. Oh, sure, there will be those among us who choose to savor and watch only one a day, or one a week, or – God help you – one a month. I don’t know exactly know why you’d deny yourself such pleasure; the world is full of crazy people. But I believe if you’re going to indulge in a deadly sin, might as well be gluttony. And bless Netflix for being more than happy to be our sloth dealer. I for one welcome the uninterrupted hours of instant gratification ahead for us all. See you in 13 hours, world. Happy weekend, all.


  1. Anonymous5:26 AM

    most perfect timing of your post. By my estimations you might be on episode 8 or 9 by now.

  2. Carmen SanDiego6:34 AM

    Enjoy and Please share your thoughts on the seson after you're done

  3. Anonymous8:38 AM

    I can't decide. If I binge, it will be over too soon. If I drag it out, I will be unable to concentrate on anything else. What's a girl to do?

  4. Loved Rebecca Drysdale in episode 1. I'm pacing myself ... so not sure when I will ALLOW myself to watch episode 2.

  5. I was totally going to be one of those laggers, who waits and waits to watch, knowing it will be a year before any new eps come out. Then I finally indulge and gorge on the whole thing...But I can't do that with you chirping away on the internets. So, looks like I will be watching startiiiiing, now.

  6. Anonymous4:09 PM

    This time around, I cannot binge as before because there are many more layers being laid down for each character. I have to stop and think about everything after each Ep. So I watched the first three today. Introduction of Lorraine Toussaint as V is brilliant! This is groundbreaking TV.

  7. Rosie5:09 AM

    Just when I thought I would, or COULD even drag it out...Watched the first 2 on Friday night, then one more on Saturday night....then Sunday I had no stopping! Now what do I do !!!!I can't get enough of this show!

  8. Welp...I held off until Friday afternoon. Then I had to stop in order to go to the biggest women's party in the country (1500 plus women most months). And then I tried to watch when I got home, but fell asleep on the sofa. So I did the correct thing and went to bed so I could stay awake the next day while I finished binging. All done by dinner on Saturday! It was good!!!

  9. Anonymous2:27 PM

    i finshed the orange, now what?
