Thursday, June 12, 2014

A little something off the side, please

Is there a word to describe extreme sexual attraction to the side of someone’s head? Wait, don’t tell me – there probably is. Perverts. But, come on, just look at Natalie Dormer’s magnificently shaved side head. She debuted it at the beginning of the year. It’s for a role (Cressida in “The Hunger Games: Mockingjay”), naturally. Consider this your good hair yin to yesterday’s bad hair yang. Of course, it helps that Natalie is killing it with swagger. But if you’ve ever watched “Game of Thrones,” “Elementary” or “The Tudors,” you knew that already. That lady has style. Also, she’s got a really, really nice side of her head. Also, someone please introduce Natalie’s hairstylist to the folks at BBC America, please.

p.s. I realize there may be some unfortunate Skrillex similarities. But Natalie looks like she shampoos regularly, and therein lies all the difference. Also, she is a lady. That helps.


  1. Carmen SanDiego1:06 AM

    I like asymmetric hair but I am not really a fan of the Skrillex haircut

  2. There's something about the look on her face that just...I could never say no to her. Like...ever.

  3. Sharon2:15 PM

    I think the word you are looking for is lesbian.

  4. Natalie Dormer and can make a dramatic hair that rebellion as well as what can be brought.
