Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Tank Top Tuesday: Rehab Edition

Hello, my name is Ms. Snarker and I am an addict. I’m addicted to “Rehab Addict.” My addiction to HGTV is already well documented. Yelling at idiots who whine about granite countertops on “House Hunters” is practically a sport for me. But my latest obsession involves so many of the things I love: tank tops, women with power tools and copious use of subway tile. Yep, I’m talking about “Rehab Addict.” This show and its host Nicole Curtis are pretty amazing. Nicole restores old homes to their original beauty with a real passion for preservation. Also, the lady knows how to handle a chainsaw (and a bobcat and a back hoe…I could go on).

What I love, besides her penchant for tank tops, is her desire to make these old houses happy homes again. I’ve never seen someone so focused on conserving the past, and so good at refurbishing old hardwoods. Seriously, she can save any floors. Thanks to Nicole, I randomly scream, “I just want brick!” at suspenseful moments during the day. Not really, but in my head. Yeah, I’m addicted. As long as there is some original tile to save, I will gladly go to rehab for it.


  1. Anonymous8:29 AM

    My dearest Ms. Snarker.... it is lovely to see Nicole Curtis on my screen. We are also addicted to "Rehab Addict"! Love Nicole and her houses. Wish I had enough dough to rehab our old house. Oh well...

  2. I want to go to there.

  3. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Glad I'm not the only one swooning over her!

  4. Anonymous4:34 PM

    Also love the show. She takes charge but also works just as hard as the people on her crew.

  5. Anonymous6:19 PM

    She is awesome! My wife talked to her at Target. I almost expired from envy.
