Wednesday, May 07, 2014

I Choose Sara

OK, we all know viral marriage proposal videos are cheesy. The flash mobs and lip dubs and Grand Romantic Gestures. But admit it, you kind of like them deep down, too. The hope of love is stronger than the snark of cynicism. And that’s a lot for someone who calls herself Ms. Snarker to say. So into that already crowded fray comes the lovely Sara Bareilles. I say lovely because really there is no better way to describe her. She’s lovely. And you know I love her “Brave” so much more than Katy Perry’s (cough, derivative, cough) “Roar.” (Also, that “Brave” video is pretty great, too.) Well now Sara has gone and done it again and brought you the ultimate marriage proposal video for her song, “I Choose You.” Not only is the song unquestionably catchy, the video is unbelievably adorable. And it features a lesbian couple marriage proposal.


You know, a little over two years ago I made the conscious choice to say “Yes” to the things that made me happy. And to stop saying “Yes” to all the crap that didn’t. Simple, really. But it sure made a difference. I choose happiness, and things that make me happy. Like Sara’s “I Choose You.” Now, please bring on the onslaught of videos of even more people popping the question to “I Choose You.”

p.s. Sara is also half of my favorite sweetly melancholic holiday song ever. Yep, that one is a keeper.


  1. Is there maybe a way to watch this not on You Tube as it is still banned in Turkey.

  2. Carmen SanDiego6:57 AM

    Bareilles is a gem
    Glad you are still choosing to do things that make you happy

  3. Anonymous7:56 AM

    Hey Helena, just a tip to watch this bypassing the geographical restrictions. Just use a proxy such as You just copy and paste the youtube link into the address box in the proxy site and select some the server location to be anywhere in the US. That should do the trick. ;)

  4. Anonymous8:42 AM

    I miss her terribly on Sing Off. She was a wonderful judge, sweet but critical. And funny as hell!
