Thursday, March 20, 2014

Moving Vixen: Angie Harmon

Oy, this show. So, anyway. Thus ends the Janet Tamaro Era. Not exactly barefoot, but possibly pregnant. The small mercy is at least she isn't still engaged. For now. Our hopes and dreams are in your hands, Jan Nash. At least we have Angie Harmon in a tank top to make us feel a little better. Also, recycle. Like Janet does with Maura’s so-called attraction to every and all Rizzoli who isn't called Jane.

p.s. The season finale, thanks for nothing JTam Subtext Recap is up today at AfterEllen.


  1. Anonymous10:06 AM

    it will be ok.
    Jane and Maura would make very cute mommies together.

    I've seen some hilarious fan art where they were and Jane was teaching their kid how to play softball correctly :-D

    (and i just had a flash of Angela Rizzoli marching with PFLAG in the next parade with Jane and Maura's kid in a stroller..... very proud grandma)

    *dies of cute*

    (if one must make a happy from what they've handed us, i chose this :) )

  2. Anonymous10:52 AM

    No babies, please! If you must have Rizzles-kids, read some fanfiction, like the in-progress "Elephants".

    Crossing my fingers that three months from now, Jan Nash will have R&I back on track: two intelligent, independent, professional women who are best friends. No beards, no babies!

  3. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Unfortunately, this started years ago when TPTB refused to let Xena Warrior Princess resolve the relationship of two iconic female leads and let the show end on a sense of empowerment. Now, another pandering to the mainstream with talk of marriage and babies. Can't writers and producers figure it out? It's a brave new world! Celebrate women who can live their own visions and love each other!

  4. Anonymous6:47 PM

    Comments are still. Read the books!

  5. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Dang auto check. Comments are silly. Read the books: babies and men galore. Just like real life when strong, independent women have their own visions, love each other AND love their men and their babies.

  6. Anonymous6:58 PM

    I don't really get how you can bitch about Janet Tamaro's decisions now. You have been carrying water for her and the show now for 4 years knowing the score. You chose to promote & ride this tiger...
