Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Dance like Benny Hill is watching


This has nothing to do with anything lesbian-related, but it did make me laugh for like 5-minutes straight. Dancers at a rave set to Benny Hill music. Please, enjoy. I will be back tomorrow with a real post.


  1. CarmenSanDiego10:17 PM

    Ahahah good one

  2. Too funny. I could see them doing a "Benny Hill" stretch at a work place. Say, at 2pm when everyone is sleepy and just want to go home, the work place puts on this music and gets everyone up for a "stretch / dance"

    I love Benny Hill eventhough he was a real strange bugger.

  3. I liked Benny Hill too. I'm hoping that his strangeness was limited to on screen personae. Not like Jimmy Savile, Rolf Harris, William Roache and David Lee Travis.
