Friday, January 31, 2014

My Weekend Crush

It had been a long, long week. My landlord informed me he is selling the house. Mind you, this is the second landlord in a row now who has sold the house I was living in out form under me. Yay... And so now I have to wrap my little tiny brain (and arms) around the gargantuan project of packing up all of my earthly possessions and dragging them to some other place to call my h.o.m.e. Blerg. If you have not noticed, I really fucking hate moving. Anyway, chin up. Stop moping. Yadda yadda. The universe is still filled with wonderful and random surprises. Like, say, Meryl Streep, 50 Cent and Kobe Bryant mean mugging for the camera. Guess the world can still delight, despite frequent evidence to the contrary. Happy weekend, all.


  1. Feel so sorry for you. I know change is unsettling and hope you will soon find a place just right for you.

  2. Carmen SanDiego6:43 AM

    I hope you find a new and better place soon and that your move is smooth and without problems

  3. JamieRingo7:26 AM

    Here, I hope this helps:

  4. I hate moving too - sorry to hear that hon. Maybe you will find a great place, overlooking a nice lesbian, clothing optional commune ;-)

  5. Move to Texas ... We got a lot of space.
