Wednesday, January 22, 2014

First Lady of Dunk

I know they still have two three years, but dammit if I’m already worrying about how much I’m going to miss having the Obamas in the White House. My separation anxiety has already begun. Politics aside (thought, for the record, voted for him twice and would happily again – despite his various shortcomings and numerous flaws), there has been something so incredibly refreshing about having such a young and vibrant family at the helm of our country. Also, not to state the obvious, but no other First Family has ever looked like the Obamas. It’s been so incredibly refreshing and so incredibly long overdue.

Among the things I’ve loved most about having the Obamas in the White House is having Michelle Obama as First Lady. I know, I know – how dare she plant a vegetable garden and ask children to get off the couch. What is this? Communist Russia? The lady is a world-class shade thrower (with a name like Boehner, how could you not?), a world-class dancer (girl can Dougie) and having world-class arms (Arm Porn in Chief). And now we find out the lady can dunk.

OK, fine, not exactly. But you can’t beat her In-Your-Face face afterward.

Yeah, I am going to miss that lady like crazy.


  1. Anonymous4:34 AM

    Golly you're sooo cutesy and hip!! And soooo informed.

    I don't know what we'll do when we don't have anyone in the white house drone murdering little kids in countries we aren't at war with! Or blatantly lying or skirting our constitution. Hey! at least the obamas make the bush family look like amateurs and hacks! It takes a peace prize winner to really ramp up the illegal murder and outright lies.

    Reading bs drivel like this post confirms that this country is full of clueless morons who see the presidency as a popularity contest. Have you no clue how downright evil and horrible obama has been? to not only the hundreds of innocent women and children he's authorized killed but to us, his fellow Americans?

    Fucking pathetic

  2. Dear Anonymous - clueless moron - whose name befits your lack of distinctive character.... take a look in your mirror. "Skirting our constitution" - love that piece of drivel from you - clearly you lack any meaningful understanding of american political're just another noxious weak anonymous person who posts. I stand with Ms. Snarker.

  3. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Dear Anonymous, If your fellow repubs hadn't been so busy blowing each other and young boys in secret, and trying to redirect blame by crusading against gays, perhaps they could have actually shown up for the election. I know you all didn't get called teabaggers by accident.

  4. Lorinb799:45 AM

    Here's something to smile about, Dorothy: They still have three more years!

  5. Cripes, Anon no. 1. Save the incisive political discourse for the Huffington Post, k?

    Anyway, as always, thanks for the lolz Ms. S.

  6. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Hey , anon 1. Dude, chill. Breathe in, breathe out. Take a trip to Colorado. Everybody has rights here, remember? It's DS's right to write what she wants and it's your right to be an asshole behind a keyboard. Just, chill out. I'm seriously worried you gave yourself a stroke writing that!

  7. Anonymous8:14 PM

    Hey was that Steve-O from Jackass doing the interviewing? Why not? Barry went from community organizer to president at mach 6 and left a contrail of six whole friends that actually could vouch for his academic prowess (or was that two friends). Whatevz! Now, thanks to Dorothy Surrenders here, I am "AWAKE" to the fact that we have a First Lady of Dunk, thank you the internetz, smart is getting infectious.

  8. I stand with the Obama's - best president and first family.

    Anonymouse ReThugs ought to take their garbage posts to Faux News or somewhere else they'll be appreciated. Here we just laugh at your cowardice.

  9. Winston Smith7:22 AM

    Thank you all for confirming my darkest fear--- Americans are now just a nation of sheep spewing two party paradigm non sense. I am not a republican. Is it that hard to wrap your simple minds around the fact that there are more than two ways to do anything? And hey Barbara, you are a clueless scared hyper consuming zombie. If you had an iota of a clue about our history you would realize the founding fathers detested policital parties. For obvious reasons. Democrats and republicans differ in name only. They are BOTH corporate puppets and shills. Your defense of Obama condones murdering innocent women and children we aren't even at war with! He has drone bombed much more than W!! much more! but hey, obama is hip and his wife can dunk!! i bet the family of the wedding we drone bombed last week finds it so very cool!!

    Criticize obama and I'm a republican? hahah..nope. Sorry you f@&$!'j morons. Wake up!!

    Cowardice rusty? Cowards like you and the rest of these half wits are supporting a drone campaign that drops bombs on innocent kids from the sky. Cowardice, huh? Turn off the fucking tv and start thinking for yourself.

    The most ironic part of this is that you all would have fit right in in 1930s Germany...

    It's called critical thinking.

  10. Winston Smith7:29 AM

    Oh and Barbara. I realize you were trying g to appear informed and cute but your comment is vague and essentially meaningless. Next time you want to lecture on "political history" maybe, oh I don't know, actually mention political history and why I was so wrong? Hahaa

    Please, lets debate it. I will shred your pathetic understanding of our political history... Go back to the fucking mall or watch some tv...

    ( maybe write letters to all the living relatives of the myriad victims of our drone program. Ya know, those little kids who get incinerated for playing in their yards, and the innocent mothers working at home who's only crime is living next to a suspected "terrorist". Maybe explain to them our political history and how you support a banker corporate puppet murderer.)
