Monday, December 16, 2013

My New Day Crush

As you probably noticed, there was no crush this past weekend. It’s the rare weekend I don’t put up any post. But then, it was indeed a rare weekend. Because last weekend I had the distinct pleasure of attending the wedding of two dear friends. And it was also the very first legally recognized – on both the state and federal levels – same-sex wedding I had the pleasure to attend. So instead of crushing on some imaginary object of my affection, I was watching the real thing. If you ever wonder if these battles we fight are worth it, well, to see two of your best friends who have been together for 12 years say it’s forever in front of friends and family and have it mean forever for everyone is most definitely worth it. Hope your weekend was as lovely as mine. Happy new week, all.


  1. Anonymous1:47 AM

    Aw.. congratulations DS. There's plenty of magic in the world and moments like that are to be savoured. Happy new week to you too x

  2. Anonymous6:19 AM

    Okay, my wedding is going to have Lego cake toppers. Done deal. Too freaking cute!

  3. When you bring us such happy news,you are forgiven for the weekend crush :)

  4. Carmen SanDiego4:56 PM

    Awwwwn that's lovely
