Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Blunt This

Emily Blunt, like, WHOA. I’m not always an action movie fan. And I’m the opposite of always a Tom Cruise fan. (OK, well, I was a fan back in his “Top Gun” days, but then everyone was a fan back in his “Top Gun” days.) But the trailer for his new film “The Edge of Tomorrow” sure did give me sit up and say whoa. Not because of Tom Cruise. Not because of the action. Not because of its “Groundhog Day” meets “Battle Bots” premise. But because of Emily Blunt, like, WHOA.

So what if it’s Wednesday. I’ll take that tank top all day, any day.

Oh, you wanted to see that again? No problem. Live. Push Up. Repeat.


  1. Carmen SanDiego6:24 AM

    Whoa. Hello there lady doing a push up

  2. You can give us tank tops every day of the week :)

  3. Live, die, rinse, repeat - I have always felt this way Emily Blunt!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.
