Monday, November 11, 2013

The Lady & The Mister

A lady and her dog. As much as I love Billie Holiday’s music, I never realized how much of a dog lover she was. That is until I stumbled upon a photo of her with her beloved boxer mix, Mister. And that led me to search for more photos and that led me to stories about the bond between Lady Day and her Mister. One of them is that when Bilie got out of federal prison in 1949 for narcotics possession, it was Mister who was waiting for her and greeted her so vigorously the press showed up to see what the commotion was. Heck, there's even a children’s book written about them.

So, as someone who has been worrying over a injured pup all weekend (and struggling mightily with how to get him to take his medication – “STOP RESISTING, IT’S GOOD FOR YOU!”) I can most certainly relate. Who is a good boy, who is, who is?

p.s. His medications are in liquid and I've tried putting it on wet food, dry food, bread with peanut butter, everything. But as soon as he smells it he won't touch the food. And he jerks too much to shoot it straight into his mouth (which is precisely what he shouldn't do because it is a spin injury). OMG, dog, I am trying to help you!


  1. Carmen SanDiego7:08 AM

    Hope your puppy recovers soon DS
    Mister looks gorgeous

  2. Anonymous7:30 AM

    This, just this: .

  3. Anonymous7:31 AM

    And the link: http colon backslash backslash www dot youtube dot come backslash watch?v=fLJ1mPsOIQ4&feature=kp

  4. Anonymous8:24 AM

    If you're having trouble giving pills, try crushing them and sprinkling it on a bit of peanut butter spread on bread, then fold. Works a peach with my dog who will NOT take pills any other way.

  5. Anonymous11:39 AM

    If it's a pill put it in liver sausage.

  6. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Crush the pills then put it on some peanut butter and rub it in its mouth with your finger gently

  7. Anonymous3:56 PM

    This may sound weird, but try hiding it inside a favourite treat that you can make a "well" in ( e.g. A piece of apple). Use a screw to make a hole in the treat and then put the liquid meds in the hole. Good luck!

  8. Anonymous4:05 PM

    Syringe. Down the throat. Make it quick, it's not bad, but it's kind of brutal to hold their mouths open, like you do if you're pilling them. I've had a ton of experience with cats, and you can do it very quickly. I I honestly don't know any other way with liquid meds.

  9. Jules7:16 PM

    This just makes me love Billie even more.

    As for your poor pup, I wonder if you might be able to mix it with some sort of dog gravy stuff? I remember I used to see something like that to drizzle on top of dry food.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Anonymous11:40 PM

    Our scottie is a pain with medication too, and always worse with liquid than pills.

    She really likes scrambled eggs & because they're quite smelly, she often gets most of it down before she realizes there's medication in there. Just make sure they cool down enough that there's no burnt tongue to add to whatever's causing the need for meds.

    Good luck.

  12. work it in to a warm hotdog- best suggestion from Victoria Stillwell

  13. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Have you tried putting it in doggie ice cream? It was my way of getting the icky stuff down Scooter's throat.

  14. Anonymous5:52 PM

    Syringe is the only thing that will work. We just went through that when my dog was going through chemo and she wouldn't eat anything at all. Get an eyedropper like they use for babies when they are given medicine. Might take 2 people (one to hold the dog's head and body steady and one to shoot the meds) but it works.
