Thursday, November 07, 2013

Marvel’s Agent of L.E.S.B.I.A.N.

Joss Whedon likes us, he really likes us. If there was any doubt that Joss is The Man, here’s your answer. A lesbian character is coming to “Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.” That character is out Agent Victoria Hand played by out actress Saffron Burrows. Those familiar with the S.H.I.E.L.D./Avengers comics universe will recognize Hand as she’s apparently heavily involved in H.A.M.M.E.R., the agency that takes over S.H.I.E.L.D., and a nemesis of sorts for Nick Fury. (I don’t really know, I just trust my comic guru Heather on this one.)

Who I’m more familiar with is Saffron because a) Those Cheekbones and b) The Gay. The cheekbones need no further explanation other than silent admiration and adulation. The Gay part involves her being openly bisexual and having a longterm relationship in the past with fellow actress Fiona Shaw (that’s Aunt Petunia Dursley to you, probably).

If you’re still not familiar with Saffron she was in “Deep Blue Sea” and “Troy” and “Law & Order: Criminal Intent” for that one season Jeff Goldblum was on the show.

Now, I have no idea how many episodes Saffron and her Victoria Hand will appear in. And I have no idea if her character will even mention The Gay. But I’m always happy when a canon LGBT character is introduced to primetime television. So while I’m still not in love with S.H.I.E.L.D. (I’m just not in love with any of the characters – except for Melinda May), I’ll happily tune in next week to see Agent Victoria Hand do her thing. And that she looks like Saffron Burrows, well that doesn’t hurt one bit either. In Whedon we trust.


  1. ;) babs2:13 AM

    with those colour extensions and the glasses she could be Alex Vause's big sister...

  2. Florence2:53 AM

    I guess I need to start watching S.H.I.E.L.D then. Thank you for the tip and also for adding another show on my never ending list of things to watch ;-)

  3. Marcella10:23 AM

    Don't get too attached, she'll probably die.

  4. Anonymous5:44 AM

    LOL. I agree with babs. My first thought: if we have to lose Alex with her glasses, here's a possible replacement!

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