Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Lost Girl! Girls! Girls!

Oh, kittens. It’s like Christmas morning. If on Christmas morning you received tantalizing glimpses of lady-on-lady sexytimes and kick-ass previews of the next season of “Lost Girl.” It’s no secret the folks at “Lost Girl” are very secretive about new seasons and developments on the show. So that’s why we’re only receiving our first actual look at actual footage from the fourth season of the show some 26 days out from the premiere. But, goodness, when they do grace us with something, it’s really something. Bo and Lauren making out! Bo and two ladies in bed! Bo and (ugh, fine) Dyson making out! The Morrigan’s new bob! Oh, kittens, kittens. Forget Christmas. Bring on Nov. 10.

p.s. So, do you think Bo and Lauren kissed and made up? Oh yeah.

p.p.s. Here is a short preview clip of Kenzi being Kenzi.



    Ms Snarker, plz tell me you won't recap the episodes till they play here in the USA. I love ur recaps and it would be too tempting to read the recaps before seeing the shows.

    DAMN Syfy ... Why do I have to wait till sometime in 2014 !?!?!

  2. ernestine henry12:43 PM

    I know I would love to see doccubus reunited since they should have not been pulled apart anyway. I dont trust promos they lie, they r there to draw folks in to get excited and watch.

  3. Anonymous12:56 PM

    I love Bo and Lauren together, a real love story! Long live to Doccubus!!!

  4. I'm not waiting until 2014.... I'm watching it in Nov.10th Tristen...

  5. Anonymous1:21 PM

    It would be a community service for someone to share with US viewers before 2014/syfy.

  6. sorry if you want to find out how just e-mail me and I will tell you how.... I also live in the United States and I've was able to watch Season 3 from Canada before it came to the U.S.

  7. ernestine henry1:40 PM

    Bring on Doccubus and TeamHumans ya gotta love them.

  8. Pregnancy boobs are a gift from God. Amen.

  9. Anonymous8:55 PM

    so so so SO SO EXCITED!!!!!

    ahem. fingers crossed for satisfying Doccubus, they don't have to get back together but I hope the writers come up with something that wont make me freak the freak out.

    and yes, amen hallelujah to the miracle of child bearing:) women are amazing!!

  10. Helllooo? Boobs O'clock!! :D

    (Also there, would you please write about my present obsession,
    Charlotte Sullivan, aka, Gail Peck? Not too much into blondes, yet Charlotte is my one exception.)
