Friday, August 30, 2013

My Weekend Crush

As one might expect, I’m pretty damn excited that my Fake TV Wife Tina Fey has landed not one, but two new TV shows. Sure, she’s just executive producing and not starring in either. But both the stories revolve around female leads and are being co-produced by talented members of her “30 Rock” team. One was sold to Fox about an all-woman’s college accepting men for the first time. The other, sold to NBC, is about a young woman who finds a new home and family in New York’s famous gay enclave of Fire Island. Shows about possible gay shenanigans and a woman’s college? Yeah, I’m expecting good, good things. But what I’m also excited about is that Tina having two TV shows means Tina will be doing more press again. Which means Tina will appear on late-night talk shows and tell delightful stories about her life and possibly sociopath of a youngest daughter. Like she did

p.s. If you stole Tina’s computer and all her unfinished jokes, you are the biggest jerkstore there ever was.


  1. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Love me some Tina Fey but I think you may be disappointed if you are expecting a lot gay happenings with her Fire Island show. Despite the historical significance & infamy of the place to gay men in particular, most of Fire Island is not a gay destination.

  2. being a student at a women's college myself (and a lady gay, to boot), i am very excited about these new shows! tina already holds a dear place in our hearts here at bmc, liz lemon being an alumna and all, so we're all interested to see where that show will go :)

  3. Anonymous7:18 AM

    Hey, D,

    The video attached to the Naya/Demi post plays automatically whenever the page loads. Anything you can do about that?


  4. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Joke Squad....BWAAAHAAHAA....
