Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Foster the people

When I first heard about a new ABC Family show with two moms and rainbow tapestry of a blended household I wasn’t sure what to expect. Politically correct afterschool special? Womanhood sisterfire kumbaya drum circle? Jennifer Lopez dance montage retrospective? But this story of two women raising their three children – one biological to one of the mothers and twins adopted from the foster system – who bring in a new troubled teenage girl is more than the demographically engineered sum of its parts. It is, quite simply, good. (For a more thorough and verbose analysis, check out my full review on AfterEllen.)

What makes it is good is that it feels so solid right from the start. It’s particularly solid in the things that usually take time – family dynamic, unspoken chemistry, ease of togetherness. This show from Jenny from the Block seems like real people could live around the block. And in a wonderfully, understated way it turns Norman Rockwell’s quintessential American portrait inside out and upside down while still retaining their essential ideal of everyday exemplariness. Like I said, it’s good.

For all our rightful demands for more and better representation of LGBT people in our culture, it’s also important to celebrate the goods stuff. Right now we’re lucky to have well-drawn portraits of gay women in ridiculously diverse walks of life our teevees. A gay teenagers being chased by murderous stalkers. A gay succubi and her scientist lover. Gay clone and her French scientist lover. And we haven’t even mentioned the surgeons, bomb girls, private investigators, former cheerleaders and all the rest. So here’s to The Fosters, a welcome addition to the pantheon of gay ladies. There’s always room for two more hot mamas.


  1. Longtime Lurker4:30 AM

    "The Fosters" was particularly solid, especially for a pilot episode. Someone did their research, in particular as regards the Mariana character. It is quite common for abused/neglected kids, no matter how horrific their situation was, to still yearn for the very parent who mistreated them. Also, same-sex foster parent couples are much more common than when I started working in the field more than 20 years ago. While I could have done without the stereotypical abusive foster dad, I do understand they had to drive the story. It should be noted though that abusive foster parents are the exception rather than the norm. On balance though I was happy with "The Fosters" and will continue to watch.
    Also, it tickles me just a bit that ABC Family has such a diverse line-up, when the channel began as the old CBN (Christian Broadcast Network), complete with Pat Robertson spewing his hate 24-7. Must really tick him off to see what's on his network now....or, as I have long suspected, he's not so much a true believer in the hate as a true believer in the $$.

  2. Anonymous5:03 AM

    My only complaint, and it's a selfish one, is, TOO MANY DAMN ADS! I guess I'm glad they've got lots of $$ coming in, but I might have to buy it on Amazon instant Video (if it becomes available) because for someone like me with a limited attention span, the interruptions were crazy.
    GO Fosters! I'll be watching (one way or another).

  3. Anonymous5:11 AM

    The presentation of the gay characters was well done.

    The show itself barley average. Pretty basically the same ole same ole.

    I hope the writers come up with better story lines. I'd love to see a show like this work.

  4. Carmen SanDiego7:34 AM

    Just wanted to say THANK YOU JLO!

  5. Anonymous1:39 PM

    this show sounds really good, how do I get it in the UK?

  6. Anonymous1:46 PM

    I'll just say missy higgins and brandi carlile :)

  7. Anonymous3:14 PM

    A gay teenagers being chased by murderous stalkers. (Pretty little liars)

    A gay succubi and her scientist lover. (Lost Girl)

    Gay clone and her French scientist lover. (I assume this is Orphan Black)

    And we haven’t even mentioned the surgeons, bomb girls, private investigators, former cheerleaders and all the rest.

    Who is the private investigator and former cheerleader

  8. Anonymous5:17 PM

    I love that the moms have such an easy chemistry that makes them seem like any ol' couple. So refreshing after watching the horrible chemistry of the gay couple in The New Normal (thank you for letting that show die t.v. gods).

  9. Anonymous6:43 AM

    Watched it with my kids and we all agreed that we would tune in next week too. Fun to see people like us on TV :-)

  10. Why did I have to choose a NEW show to watch. what do you mean I have to wait a week every time for a new episode? why can't there be a few seasons of back log for me to catch up on???

    That said, I will add this one to my list of weekly downloads (Coz having no pay tv and living in Australia leaves me few options...). Thanks for the review!
