Friday, May 17, 2013

Vacation Vixen: Minnesota

Marriage equality? You betcha. Welcome, lucky No. 12. This week Minnesota made it an even dozen, following the small flurry of states to pass marriage equality this year (high fives, Rhode Island and Delaware!) Sure, there are still 38 to go. But the momentum is unmistakable and our friend inertia knows that bodies in motion tend to stay in motion. So let’s all make like Mary Tyler Moore and throw out proverbial hats into the sky with joy at a more equal world we’re creating today for all of our tomorrows. Also, you gotta love a state with hot dishes and rainbow bridges.


  1. gayest. bridge. ever!! Eff yeah!

  2. Carmen SanDiego7:51 AM

    C'mon Supremes! Momma needs California back on that list

  3. And after weeks of fight and demonstrations, France did it yesterday, theday against homophobia! Cheers!

  4. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Haven't checked DS in a couple of days. I am super happy that not only did MN pass marriage equality, but we got to be a Vacation Vixen!!! Woot, Minnesota!
