Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Comedy Call

You know how you love all the Jon Stewarts, Stephen Colbert, Conan O’Brien, Jimmy Fallon, Chris Rocks and Louis C.K.s of the world, but sometimes – no matter how funny the boys can be – you just want a really funny lady to make you laugh? Of course you do. That’s why we love the Tina Feys, Amy Poehlers, Wanda Sykes, Melissa McCarthys, et al of the world. Well now add another one. Get ready to get “Inside Amy Schumer.” Comedy Central’s newest sketch show is the perfect antidote to all often too Testosterone soaked humor on the network. There are only so many riffs on dudes getting hit in the junk, exposing their junk in humiliating ways and/or consuming disgusting junk that can be made before you yearn for a more feminine touch.

This is not to say that women must be stereotypically feminine to have this feminine touch. (Or that all dudes revel in junk humor). But I say that because women bring a feminine perspective to humor that is all too often lacking. And that’s what I love about Amy’s new show. While I haven’t loved every single sketch, most of them are refreshing and – most important – hilarious. It’s not that it’s “chick humor” as if there is such a thing. Women can be just as crass and crazy and craven as the fellas – if they want to be. It’s that when most our representation of humor is being given from a male point of view, we’re missing a whole lot of funny. That’s it’s important to get more female comedy writers on shows. And why it’s important to get more female comics in the spotlight. Because more perspectives ultimately means more funny. And isn’t that the whole damn point in the first place?

“Inside Amy Schumer” airs at 10:30 p.m. Tuesday nights on Comedy Central. Set your DVRs ladies, and discerning gentlemen. But don’t take my words for it.

Also, have I mentioned out comic Tog Notaro writes for her show? Yeah, told you you’re definitely going to want to watch.

p.s. More on Tig later. So much more.


  1. pecola4:49 AM

    Another comedienne worth checking out: Janine Brito of "Totally Biased" on FX. She's like the lesbian Samantha Bee. Here's a commentary she did recently on Jason Campbell coming out.

    "Totally Biased" airs Thursdays at 11 PM on FX, but the show, produced by Chris Rock, will move to five nights a week this fall.

  2. Anonymous5:17 AM

    Not funny

  3. gotta agree with Anonymous ... I didn't see anything funny. And, at the risk of being stoned, I'll blame Tig. Never have understood the fascination with her.

  4. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Sorry but Amy's humor is over the top crass.

  5. Taylor Dane. Tell it to my heart!!

  6. Anonymous2:43 PM

    I agree with the other anon, I find this frustrating that this show claims to be funny as it won't do well and then people will say that all women aren't funny. Otherwise great blog!

  7. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Comedic things are usually "I don't find this funny." instead of empirically funny or not funny. This isn't my favorite but I can't come out and claim it is not funny for all of humankind.

  8. Anonymous6:52 PM

    I find her hilarious..I have a very dry sense of humor. Love Snarker..I just didn't want to type in the decoder message. Lazy..


  9. Anonymous7:20 PM

    I think I'm becoming obsessed with this chick! Discovered her about a yr ago when she was on Conan.. She's got some hilarious jokes & she's cute. My friend & I watch her show every week. It is very raunchy, but we crack up.

  10. As someone whose wife died of cancer, I found the cancer-sketch very funny. I have totally used her cancer to get out of things. Or as an excuse for us to leave early at boring parties and snuggle in bed together. Because what is the point of cancer if you can only get the bad side of it and none of the sneaky benefits (such as endless sympathy).

  11. Anonymous3:19 PM

    I love Amy!! I love a lady who can be inappropriate with humor, because without laughing at serious subjects and saying hilariously inappropriate things, life would be an incredibly boring and depressing place.

  12. Don't know what the problem is - I think she's funny

  13. caitlin10:27 AM

    Tig seems mentally ill and smelly. gives me the creeps. Not funny or original. I'm sick of seeing her ugly face being pushed by her PR machine.
