Thursday, April 04, 2013

Gender Fuck Swinton: Sleeping Beauty

To Swinton: To be fiercely weird, weirdly fierce, just fierce, also weird. Gotta hand it to Tilda, she keeps it interesting. The latest exploits of The Swinton was to sleep in a glass box in New York’s Museum of Modern Art. Twice in the last month. The exhibit is a reprisal of her 1995 performance art piece “The Maybe,” in which she slept in a glass box.

She will make about a half dozen or more unannounced appearances at the MoMa between now and the end of the year to delight and confound onlookers. I don’t know about you, but if I lived in New York, this would pretty much mirror my exact reaction to this news.

Now, we can argue about the merits of this artistic expression, but why bother? Art exists in the unexplained. The ability to elicit emotions out of thin air using only paint or pixels or music or movement or even just glass, steel, mattress, pillow, linen, water, spectacles and an Oscar-winning actress.

In fact, I tend to think Tilda lives her whole life as an extended piece of performance art. Well, maybe just her hair. And her suits. And, fine, her everything.

And then there’s that crazy mcnuttypants “The Stars (Are Out Tonight)” Tilda did with David Bowie which, a month later, I’m still trying to make heads or tails of. All I know is, Gender Fuck Thursday were made for Tilda Swinton. Or perhaps Tilda Swinton made Gender Fuck Thursdays.

p.s. Anyone have a jet on hand they can fly me from the left coast to the right the next time Swinton decides to make a surprise appearance inside a glass box in NYC? Call me.


  1. Anonymous3:20 AM

    Or why not go the whole hog darling and pop over the next time and her chums elect to "haul a mobile movie theater across the Scottish Highlands"? ;)


    PS She reminds me a little of my granny. Although granny was most definitely not a Communist and she exuded a far more approachable demeanour. Some might venture a rather too approachable demeanour...

  2. Anonymous3:26 AM


    Just think darling, that could be YOU in the kilt behind her hauling away to your heart's content! :D

  3. Orlando10:01 AM

    The Swinton has been absent for far too long on your lovely blog!

  4. Yeah, and then there's the whole "raping 13 year old girls is okay if you're a so called great artist" thing. It's fine that you like her style, but we can't ever forget this is part of who she is. That so may people so easily do, just shows how rape culture persists.

  5. The MoMA is the Museum of Modern Art, NOT the Metropolitan Museum of Art! Please change that so people don't get confused...

  6. maybe she is just tired and needs a nap and this is the only way people will leave her alone
