Thursday, March 14, 2013

The P Word

In the spirit of yesterday’s down with the peen point of view post, here are more thoughts on the least welcome member in the lesbian tribe. Yes, ladies who love ladies, let’s talk about penises of the non-detachable (or preferably not detached) variety. Why? Because it’s funny. And they’re funny. And laughing at things which we don’t (or more like don’t want to) understand is a time-honored tradition. Hey, logarithms still crack me up. Long story short, because size really does matter, please press play. I also promise those 2 minutes and 38 seconds are the most I’ll make you ever think about the penis at one time on my blog. And if even that seems too much, there are cute lesbians talking about them. So just press mute.


  1. Leigh7:09 AM

    What about the lesbians with penises?

  2. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Yeah, this is pretty cissexist as a concept, and the execution doesn't really do anything to challenge that.

    a) There are lesbians who have a penis.

    b) There are lesbians who have sex with people who have a penis

    c) Even if you're talking about cisgender men, there are still lesbians who have sex with men, or have in the past, or who aren't disgusted by the idea.

  3. LOL I love that probably-straight girl they threw in there, she looks so awkward it's adorable! xD

    Other than that, great to know lesbians have as many stereotypes on men and penises as men and penises have on lesbians! lol The world really is only filled with idiots, isn't it? We're all a bit on the stupid side for one reason or other. :)

    Thanks for giving me 2minutes of smiles (and a few of those girls were seriously hot... want!).

  4. Anonymous1:06 PM

    So it's not the most inclusive or in-depth portrayal of how women who like women think and feel about penises in general(attached to men or otherwise) -- but it's 2:38 minutes! I don't think we could have expected a light-hearted YoutTube video to be more than amusing and cute in that length of time.

    As for in-depth analyses of allll the kinds of lesbians out there, and what everyone of them might think-- it's impossible to represent it all (especially in 2 minutes), and even academics keep failing at trying to represent us all and our various relationships with our body parts, sexualities, identities, and so on... I doubt it was ever meant to be a meaningful, accurate, or modern feminist discussion about gender.

    And while I do respect and understand people who commented on the video's blatant cis-gendered concept and production, I just don't think the makers of the video (or the ladies in it) were taking the question or themselves too seriously to begin with. (It would have been a long-film feature, documentary, serious interview panel, or some kind of college/university lecture, if they.)It also certainly doesn't seem to me like they were trying to persuade the audience that what they expressed and portrayed are the ONLY realities for lesbians at large. (Very little ethnic diversity, for just one example.)

    So I wouldn't try to use this to educate someone about any of these real and important issues, but it was a fun few minutes if it's just consumed and enjoyed as a bit of silliness.

  5. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Trust lesbians to bring an entire baggage cart to a silly video. Take just five minutes off.

  6. tlsintx4:20 PM


  7. A bit disappointed. I thought it was about the other P word, the one I'm interested in ;)

  8. Anonymous8:57 PM

    Hiiilarious, fun little video to make me giggle. Also anon at 2:30, you made me laugh as well. Processing lezzies, everybody run and hide!

  9. Thanks for providing me 2minutes of happiness (and a few of those ladies were seriously hot... want!).

  10. Leigh8:15 AM

    Noting that something is exclusionary and cissexist is really not a "whole lot of processing" -- nobody is asking a joke video to be a thesis on gender identity by saying "hey, um, that is an actual human part of our community that you are kinda being shit towards"...i'm sorry that spoils your giggle, and I appreciate that that was all Ms. Snarker was trying to gift us with, but you know what? cissexism totes spoils my giggles, too.

  11. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Lesbians with penises is all the rage these days it seems. Can we watch a fucking video or read an article about lesbians without someone bringing up CIS this and CIS that. Christ.

  12. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Appreciate the reminder from some of the commentators about the cisgendered nature of the video and lack of racial/ethnic diversity. I did appreciate the diversity of "types" or "styles" of lesbians represented (we don't all look feminine/masculine/hipster/etc). Also I think you could argue that the "it's not penises, it's what they're attached to" comment addresses (in an off-handed way), the idea of lesbians with penises.

  13. Okay...what gay guys think of vaginas was kind of more entertaining...and nice. LOL
