Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Lost and found

You know those shows where the lesbians just share long, meaningful hugs and rare chaste kisses? Or where the lesbians aren’t really lesbians, despite totally being lesbians. Or there aren’t any lesbians at all, real or imagined? Yeah, “Lost Girl” is not those shows. “Lost Girl” is a show where the gay ladies get it on, a lot. Like Donkey Kong on. Like, thank God I get to recap this show and therefore have an excuse to stare at it for hours while making hundreds of screencaps. I do it for you, internet. For you.

p.s. Yeah, you should totally be watching this show.


  1. Anonymous5:03 AM

    Thank you for all your 'hard' work on these recaps. I myself stare at your screenshots to improve my visual acuity, so I feel that it's a community service you are doing with your recaps and screenshots. Keep up the great job!

  2. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Your sacrifice and dedication is appreciated. Thank you for taking one for the team ;)

    But we know it's not just that an authentic relationship being conducted before our eyes rather than snarked about and happening off camera (or treated as inferior in every way to a heterosexual pairing). We have a show runner who knows and understands why it matters, is committed to fair portrayal and I don't see them ever abusing the fan base, mocking them or sneering at them. And I do see them ever debasing the characters.

    Like no one else in mainstream, they *get* it completely.

  3. I still can't quite believe that neither Bo nor Lauren has attempted suicide, mysteriously gone psycho (or straight), had to emigrate to a far-off land, or been killed in a horrific random accident. That's what TV tells us should happen in lesbian relationship. It is so refreshing to see a TV show that takes its lesbians seriously and doesn't neuter their sex lives after a kiss or two. Thank you Lost Girl!

  4. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Re: Second "anon" post, I of course mean I *DON'T* see them ever debasing the characters.

    I admit, I get so angry about that whole "being forced to eat food off the floor, left there as a "caring" act" thing, and the whole silencing trickery of comments that followed, that I lose the ability to express myself as clearly as I would like.

  5. Anonymous9:26 AM

    I REALLY need to be watching this show!! <3

  6. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Well, you should totally watch the sex scenes, but the show itself is dreck. 'Cheesy' is too good a word for it, more like 'pasteurized, processed cheese product'. It's such a consistent choice that I don't blame the actors, it must be coming from higher up, but Anna Silk really should be glad for the show's modest CGI budget. Without her blue succubus soul sucking drawn in she wouldn't be in the least intimidating or even very succubussy.

  7. Anonymous11:08 AM

    "Well, you should totally watch the sex scenes, but the show itself is dreck."

    Come now woman, say what you mean! Don't mince words! :)

    Actually darling, I am inclined to agree with you. Sex scenes aside I am hardly enamoured with what I've seen.

    Truth be told I have not seen a whole lot, but what I have seen was none too impressive.

    I did think the prison episode was rather fun in a "pasteurized, processed cheese product" sort of a way. But if what you're saying is correct and every week is "pasteurized, processed cheese product" week? Well, that's another matter entirely.

    Besides, "pasteurized, processed cheese product" issues aside, I have a strong dislike for demons... of any kind.

    "It's such a consistent choice that I don't blame the actors, it must be coming from higher up"



    PS Must find the time to scoot over to YouTube to catch all the moist fingered action! :D

    PPS Snarks, thank you very much for the screencaps!

  8. Anonymous11:27 AM

    PPPS Kate Moennig modelling 'tomboy' fashions (lady-loving 'tomboys' to the left of her, lady loving 'tomboys' to the right of her!) AND being interviewed by TeganANDSara...

    So, is that it then? It's finally official??? :)

  9. I've got so many friends watching this right now. We've made a pretty great drinking game out of it i.e. drink at the mention of Garuda or any time hotpants gets nerdy. And we all throw things at the TV when Dyson walks in the room. Sorry, not sorry.


    1. Anonymous10:29 PM

      I know right? Whenever dyson appears I'm thinking don't ruin it!!

  10. God damn it, I had no other choice... Now I'm going to probably consume Lost Girl for the next ten hours...THANKS A LOT! :P

  11. Anonymous10:43 PM

    Wait, I'm confused - I just noticed the necklace i the first shot. Is Lauren still bound to the Ash, despite the Nadia situation being resolved? And the Ash concocting the situation in the first place? I mean, does placing a curse on your gf not void any of your vows? :) just sayin'...

  12. Anonymous7:22 AM

    I LIKE IT!

    . . . and come on, it's not meant to be high art. It's cheesy and fun and I like these characters.

    So, yeah. I enjoy the super sexy and the silly.

    So, go ahead. Count to 100 in french. Maybe it will make you feel better.

  13. Anonymous4:49 PM

    And high quality recaps they are too.
    Now can you teach your After Ellen this simple task. *coughs* Bridget *coughs*
