Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Hiding Under the Porch Day

Look, I’m no fan of the Greeting Card Industrial Complex. But I am a fan of love. And I am a fan of the occasional good cry. So on this, that most militantly romantic of days, let us all feel the love together through the tears. Remember, even while it may not seem like it sometimes, there are plenty of Dug the Dogs out there in the world. And they have only to meet you to love you. So keep heart and happy Valentine’s Day, kittens. Also, you look very pretty today. I don’t say that enough. But it’s true.


  1. You looking fetching today as well, Ms. Snarker. Will you be my Valentine? : )

  2. Anonymous12:43 PM

    I'm your dog Ms. Snarker!! <3

  3. Kathy4:56 PM

    You are my favorite thing to read all day. Hearts back at cha.

  4. Anonymous5:10 PM

    I have an "Ellie" and two "Dougs" who share love and joy with me everyday. Thanks for the reminder of how wonderful and fleeting life is (not that I should need reminding, but it's easy to get caught up in the daily grind).

    Wishing you all the best and all the love.

  5. Happy Anna Howard Shaw Day TO US ALL

  6. You are fabulous, and I don't tell you that often enough!
