Wednesday, February 27, 2013

FLOTUS Dance Party

It’s been an intense two days. And I just want to have some fun. And in doing so say how much I appreciate all of you kind, lovely people who come back day-after-day, week-after-week, year-after-year to read the assorted flotsam and jetsam that floats through my mind. And when I grow weary, you’re the ones who lift me up and remind me why writing for and about a vibrant and underrepresented community matters. And that makes me feel like dancing. And I’m going to take a few cues from the First Lady of the United States and try out my best mom moves in the middle of my living room. I’m partial to the “Oh My God, I Love This Song.” Hey, if I could do it half as well as Mrs. Obama, I’d be happy. FLOTUS dance party!


  1. As a rule I don't generally comment on blogs, but I felt like I needed to throw my 2 cents in after seeing the shitstorm of your last few posts were.

    Your site is great, I check it obsessively, I love your (unpaid, provided for free) work. We may be a hard bunch of people to entertain, but damn it, you succeed. Not sure how many readers exactly you have, but there are millions (billions? I want to say billions) of people who think you're more awesome than a sloth riding a unicorn.

    Any other time you've had a bad few days(and there aren't any FLOTUS videos around), just do what I do, check this picture, and take comfort in the ridiculousness of the internet.

  2. Anonymous6:22 AM

    Just love the video. Thank you.

  3. Anonymous6:28 AM

    YAY! What Jade said.

  4. Anonymous6:29 AM

    Love your work Ms Snarker -- you're on my daily reading list and I appreciate all you do!

    Big hugs after the crap of the last few days -- and when the power of the FLOTUS wanes (how freakin' cool is that vid?), I always believe in throwing in a few Mahna Mahnas.

    Peace and thanks for putting up with us all X

  5. Oh Dorothy, I know I don't comment very often, but I am always here reading and please know that I absolutely LOVE your blog. I don't care who you like best or who I like best, because at the end of the day I like you, you are witty and seem kind and write well. In a blogger I can't ask for more!

  6. Patricia6:30 PM


    I love reading your blog. No other writer can make me laugh as quickly or as often as you, whether it be here or your recaps on AE. Please keep doing what you do-entertaining those of us who love your work. Oh, Thank You!

  7. I wanted to add my comment of support. I love your writing both here and on AE. Thank you!

  8. Ms. Snarker, is there a place, either on your blog or on AE for a serious, thoughtful discussion about how bi/lesbian couples are currently being portrayed on TV? Maybe that's why the conversation here over the past two days got terribly derailed. Maybe this is not the venue for that sort of discussion. I've read such discussions elsewhere (Salon had an interesting, no-holds-barred interview several years ago with Ilene Chaiken about criticism being levelled at her shows, The L-Word and The Real L-Word -- an oxymoron if I ever heard one! The topic was basically - will TV ever get lesbianism right?). I wasn't in on the very beginning of the debate that got ignited -- I'm sure innocently enough -- by your tweet, but by the time I caught up with the discussion it seemed pretty clear to me that people being dismissed as pathetic, ungrateful, mean, entitled, angry, PMS'ing losers living their lives on the Internet from their parents' basements actually started out trying to generate a serious discussion about how bi/lesbian couples are portrayed on television. Their frustration -- my frustration (for the record I'm sixty-ish, married, mother of two and have a rather full and fulfilling life, thank you) -- was not that you seemed to be "shipping" Coppubus over Doccubus, or even that you seemed to be inviting an LG "shipping" war -- I actually think you were telling people not to get so worked up about their allegiances to these pairings -- fictional, after all -- and just have fun with it. But I think you may have misunderstood that the frustration being expressed was not, "Waaaa-waaaa! Snarker's being disloyal to Doccubus! How could she?!" though I can understand it may have sounded that way -- and once the snowball got rolling that these were just a bunch of disgruntled, silly Doccubi taking their TV show a little too seriously, well, the kernal of what might have been a serious discussion was completely buried in an avalanche of mutual recriminations. But if you go back and read the earliest posts, they were not angry, or insulting, or whiney, whatever. They posed a thoughtful question - or at least this is what I read: Which direction would we like to see LG go in? Bo bed-hopping her way around Faefom in various hot couplings, one episode Lauren, back to Dyson, on to Tansin, heck maybe a drunken night with Kenzi, and other characters yet to be introduced? Or Bo settling into a mature, basically monogamous, loving, if complicated, never smooth-sailing relationship with Lauren? It wasn't LAUREN we were rooting for (though I do have a serious crush on her), it was the prospect of seeing on television the kinds of relationships we're having or would like to be having out here in the real world -- relationships that are not defined by our sexualuty, or any of the stereotypes associated with our sexuality. It was a let-down to see LG building towards that only to devolve -- I'm not trying to insult anybody here, just expressing a point of view -- back into the sort of hot-girls-bedhopping storyline for which The L-Word was IMO justifiably criticized. But naybe this isn't the place for that sort of discussion. I can tell you one thing (not conflating your blog and AE, just giving a for instance), if AE's idea of a sensitive, real portrayal of a lesbian relationship break-up was that short video posted there today, AE and I don't share the same vision of reality, or what we'd like reality to look like.

  9. Carmen SanDiego9:06 PM

    Love ya, Snarker. Always have, always will

  10. Anonymous9:40 AM

    So if heterosexual women greet each other they're acting gay? That's a bit of a reach don'tcha think?
