Monday, January 07, 2013

Supper time

[Click to embiggen the Holy]

I am not a religious person. I worship no gods except Tina Fey, Amy Poehler and Rachel Maddow. But sometimes, sometimes the spirit does move me. Particularly when presented with the Lesbian Last Supper. Say hello to Lesbian Jesus and her super gay disciples by artist Bronwyn Lundberg. So while the season of faith and a fat guy in a red suit may be over, let the holy glow of Ellen and her Queer Apostles Jane, Sandra, Rachel, Linda, Shane, Portia, Heather, Wanda, KD, Lily, Melissa and Rosie warm you during these cold winter months. Except for you, Australia. You have fun worshipping in your board shorts.

p.s. I love how all the actresses are named except for “Shane McCutcheon” as Judas. Love her Chucks though. So much more fashion forward than flip-flops.
p.p.s. For the fellas, there is also a the Creation of Neil gay Sistine Chapel for your viewing pleasure.


  1. Pete Brown6:04 AM

    Thought this might interest you, if you've not already seen it?

  2. Anonymous9:29 AM

    won't thank you for this dishonor

  3. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Ha ha! Should have put Ilene Chaiken as Judas...she's the one who really betrayed us! ;)

  4. Anonymous11:17 PM

    I love it!

  5. Anonymous12:35 AM

    Well, don't we all wish kd would still look like 15...? ;-)

  6. First, it's awesome.

    Second, it's pathetic that "mainstream Christianity largely ignores the spiritual needs of women and, particularly, queer women" still needs to be a statement, but it's nonetheless still a legitimate statement.

    Third - and I hesitate to even open this can of worms, but I gots to - technically it's not really a LESBIAN last summer if some of the women identify as bi, pan and the others.

  7. Anonymous7:32 PM

    Everyone I've met named Bronwyn has been a complete ass. This "creation" proves that yet another Bronwyn is a complete ass. Gross, disgusting and revolting.Don't go beyond what you can because it doesn't work
