Monday, December 17, 2012

Vacation Vixens: Meryl & Hillary

Right, so after a week of weak-ass blogs, I am now going to leave you for a week of vacation. I know, I know. Bad blogger, bad. So I will kick off my week of Vacation Vixens with two awesome women who are even more awesome together. And considering their baseline solo awesome levels, that is no small feat. But here are Hillary and Meryl shooting not just an adorable selfie, but an adorable selfie for a good cause. Gah. Talk amongst yourselves. I need to sit down. A selfless selfie. Happy make the world a better place, Monday to you all. Hillary/Streep 2016.


  1. Anonymous4:06 AM

    Hope Hil gets over that highly convenient concussion of hers. It's such a shame she won't be able to testify at the Benghazi hearings.

    Ha! What a bloody joke! Clinton, you're fooling no one!!!


  2. Pretty sure people can get sick and pass out because they're working their ass off protecting your ass's rights. ^^

    Words can not express how much I love these women and want them to be my aunts I have tea with etc..


  3. Anonymous6:05 PM

    "Pretty sure people can get sick and pass out because they're working their ass off protecting your ass's rights"

    One has to marvel at the timing though darling, no? And the fact that despite the hearing being days away, on Sunday she already knew there was NO WAY she could possibly testify. Call me a crazed CONSPIRACY THEORIST (it's alright darling, many do - I don't mind!)
    but I find all that just a little TOO convenient.

    As for "my ass" - I wouldn't let that damn Clinton woman anywhere near it! You have her "protect" your ass darling if you must, but I'm going to stick with my dishy ex-Special Branch (female!) Hot Cop if you don't mind!


  4. Anonymous7:07 PM

    Remembering how fun this blog was before its "darling" PD infection....

  5. Anonymous7:38 PM

    To Anonymous 7:07-- Thank you for "saying" this 'out loud' -- 'been thinking it for weeks, but couldn't phrase it as politely.

  6. Anonymous11:05 PM

    I also want to jump on the Anonymous 7:07 bandwagon!!! I COMPLETELY AGREE!

    ":Anonymous said...
    Remembering how fun this blog was before its "darling" PD infection....

    7:07 PM"

  7. Anonymous5:51 AM

    7:07: Uhhh... yup. On the plus side, we can always count on PD's rambling, irrelevant inanities.

    Enjoy your vacation, Snarker!

  8. Anonymous7:28 AM

    YES - thank you 7:07!! If I never hear (read) the word "darling" again it will be too soon!

  9. I wouldn't let that damn Clinton woman anywhere near it! You have her "protect" your ass darling if you must, but I'm going to stick with my dishy ex-Special Branch (female!) Hot Cop if you don't mind!aubeausoleil
