Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Help, I'm alive

OK, I admit it. I am pretty damn excited about the return of "Girls." Like super excited. Like super duper excited. Like eat cake on the beach at Coney Island excited. But with return subway fare and without a stolen purse. The funny thing about this show is I pretty much hated it at first. My notions were preconceived about youth and entitlement and angst. And they were pretty hard to like in the beginning. Also, come on, none of these New York kids is friends with a single people of color? Really? But, the thing is, for all of our artifices we tiny humans tend to be shockingly alike in ways large and small. And finding oneself, however long that takes, is pretty much something we all fumble through. The heady mix of bravado and confusion that somehow helps us stumble toward adulthood. It's exhilarating and excruciating to watch. And I pretty much love it. Because I too am an individual and I feel how I feel when I feel it and right now it's a Wednesday baby and I'm alive. But, thanks God I'm old enough now to know better than to wear a bright yellow mesh tank top. With age comes at least that much wisdom.


  1. I'm glad you came around to it! I didn't hate it at first, but I was definitely wary, until I realized that for all its flaws, it's very genuine, and I can relate to a lot of the underpinnings if not the plots themselves.

  2. Carmen SanDiego7:58 AM

    Ok, everybody keeps recommending this show to me but now that it has the Snarker seal of approval I will give up and watch it

  3. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Darling, I hope this aged wisdom of yours does not mean you've given up tank tops altogether?! Perish the thought!


  4. Anonymous10:17 AM

    PS In other news... Apparently it IS now possible to cook a quiche ("from scratch") in your sleep!

    How clever. And how wonderfully efficient, don't you think darlings?

  5. I love this show sooooo much. Because last season was in the summer, I expected the same for next. Best January surprise! Lost Girl, then this?! So happy...
